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PTN Partner Logo

The Professional Training NetworkTM (PTN) consists of a group of organizations that has officially recognized as providers of training. Professional Scrum Trainers (PSTs) work with PTN members to deliver Professional Scrum training and abide by the high quality standards of

PTN members align with the Scrum Values and are committed to helping people and teams solve complex problems in part by providing training.  If you are interested in becoming a member of the Professional Training Network, contact us and let us know

Orderly Disruption Logo
Orderly Disruption Limited
- Agility redesigned - Placing your organization ahead of the game by mastering continuous change. - Orderly Disruption's agility chefs co-create authentic agility & foster continuous changeability. - Orderly Disruption's founder is a Professional Scrum Trainer, LeSS Friendly Scrum Trainer, Professional Kanban Trainer. - John Coleman co-authored Kanban Guide and authored Kanban for Complexity. - John is also one of the two course stewards for's advanced Scrum Master class, and teaches agility at University part-time. - He was personally trained by Marshall Goldsmith. - John Coleman practices & coaches agility by day at his long term client. - There is a community of 20 agility chefs behind Orderly Disruption.
FlowSphere Logo
Flow Sphere
Flow Sphere supports Organizations with Training, Coaching and Consulting on their journey to a lean-agile organization. We support Organizations consistently at all company levels. We are passionate about sustainably optimizing the value-add to your business. The participants of our training and workshops benefit from our great expertise and focus on practical application. 
Smash Dev Shop Logo
Smash Dev Shop
We believe that anything can be made better. Based in the central United States, Smash Dev is a software development firm with certified professionals who specialize in rapid digital transformation and team building.
Logic Control Logo
Logic Control
Logic Control provides a full range of Product Management Training, Coaching, and Advisory Services. Logic Control delivers Scrum Professional Training as private sessions, either virtually, at your location, or an off-site location.
Red Tangerine Logo
Red Tangerine
We believe in continuous learning and improvement in ourselves and those that we engage with. Our mission is to help teams and organisations achieve their goals while supporting innovative work environments. All of the Red Tangerine team are active practitioners in the fields of Agile and Lean. In our coaching and consulting work, we do not provide a silver bullet or provide an off-the-shelf solution. We work with people across the organisation to help them move to ways of working that is most successful for them. As trainers, we are accredited with the most respected bodies in our field.
SmoothApps is a boutique I.T. management consulting firm headquartered in Dallas, TX that offers Agile training, coaching, consulting, talent placement and full life cycle agile delivery.
Trainocate Logo
Trainocate is one of the most trusted IT and professional development training providers in Malaysia, with a strong presence in the Asia-Pacific region. We are strong advocates of life-long learning and believe that knowledge along with skills and certifications gained ensures competitiveness and survivability in the dynamic workplace. We do this by providing industry-relevant certifications and training for big tech companies such as AWS, Cisco, Google Cloud, Microsoft, NetApp, Red HaT, Scrum, TrendMicro and others. We also provide a broad range of management development and people skills training to individuals and organizations under the American Management Association (AMA).
Insight is a global company committed to helping clients innovate smarter so they can create digital experiences that drive differentiation and loyalty. Our Agile transformation services team can help you adopt an Agile framework to improve how your organization delivers, develops, and approaches products and services.
Count on Agile logo
Count on Agile
Count On Agile (CoA) is Pioneer in offering Training and Coaching services on Agile Ways of Working Scrum, Kanban, Product Ownership and Leadership, Training, Coaching, Entrepreneurship partnering with multi Geographical engagements in leading Top Fortune 500 Organizations for their Agile transformation Journey Roadmaps. Having Led Culture Transformations in key domains like BFSI & Insurance services, Life Sciences, Consumer and Retail Goods, Industrial Automation and innumerable others. We have engaged with our clients and helped them to attain Enterprise transformation in Agile mindset shift and been persistent to help Organizations to achieve greater Business Value
Agitips Logo
Our mission at Agitips is to help organizations undergo a smooth and successful transformation to become agile. Agitips offers training, coaching, and consultation that help individuals, teams, and organizations embrace transformation, build better solutions, and thrive in the marketplace. Secondly, Agitips helps make Scrum and Agility as simple as possible such that even beginners or those with no IT background can grasp them faster and learn to apply them in real life. Agitips offer training, coaching, and consultation that help individuals, teams, and organizations embrace transformation, build better solutions, and thrive in the marketplace. Our solution derives from years of real-world experience from our professional trainers and consultants.
Scaleup logo
Scale Up
Scale Up is a training and consulting company set up in Pune (India). We specialize in and provide training, coaching and consulting services in Agile (especially Scrum) and Project Management. Our motto is to spread Agility and help building high performing Agile organizations. All our trainers and consultants have extensive hands on experience and knowledge beyond books. Till date, we have touched and changed lives of approximately 6000+ professionals.
Adaptiflo Logo
Adaptiflo is a Consulting and Training company specializing in Agile Product Development and Leadership. Our mission is to improve lives by helping to improve ways of working. Our consultants are recognized voices in Agile Product Development and Leadership Coaching
MD Agile Consulting, Inc., Logo
MD Agile Consulting, Inc.
MD Agile Consulting, Inc., is an Agile training, coaching and consulting company headquartered near Toronto, Canada. We believe that organizational clarity is what helps people shift from complaining to improving. We employ techniques from Lean Change Management, Scrum and Kanban to help teams and organizations become unstuck and reach their true potential. In addition to coaching and consulting services, we are dedicated to providing world class, high impact training through certified classes from and
Abacus Digital Logo
Abacus Digital
We are a team of professionals who are committed to equipping and training the IT workforce to perform at their best. Our trainers are certified and equipped to provide high-quality training to properly equip IT professionals, to work at their best Our certification workshops will strengthen your knowledge with our relevant and practical training from our highly-skilled trainers who carry not only the teaching but also the industry experience. Our goal is to not just impart technical knowledge to our students but also to empower them and boost their confidence by using real-world scenarios in our training sessions.
ValueHut Limited Logo
ValueHut Limited
ValueHut is an agile coaching and training consultancy that is helping Organisations focus on most valuable work by deploying alternative ways of working founded on Agile Principles. In addition, we provide both and bespoke training offering to support our clients in their journey to improve their ways of working. At the moment, our clients are spread all over Africa and Europe, especially in the United Kingdom.
AGILE THINKING est une entreprise innovante construite sur des valeurs et une vision humaine et de développement durable. Nous accompagnons les organisations de toutes tailles à développer des produits et services qui répondent précisément à des besoins utilisateurs. Nous avons pour cela développé un ensemble de services, de formations et de partenariats stratégiques afin de permettre à nos collaborateurs d’optimiser eux aussi leur valeur. Nous utilisons une approche agile pour aider nos clients à accroître le retour sur investissement ; réduire le temps de mise sur le marché ; s’adapter au changement du marché et à la concurrence ; et innover plus rapidement. Pourquoi Agile Thinking .pro? Pour réaffirmer notre professionnalisme. En effet, nous visons à créer un impact sur les activités professionnelles de nos clients. Au quotidien, nous appliquons des standards et développons de nouvelles approches et techniques pour mieux vous former et mieux vous accompagner dans votre activité. Si l’agilité optimise la valeur, la pensée agile intégrée au quotidien, décuple la capacité de l’agilité à optimiser la valeur. 
Scrumviet would like to spread the inspiration with practical knowledge and connect people with passion on Scrum Journey. Through our classes following standard, we enjoy to create more professional spaces to share about the knowledge, experience and passion with Scrum and support people to gain the practical and applicable skills to their works.
Agile-Smart Logo
Professional training, from a seasoned professional, presented professionally, from a company that’s not out for your wallet We don’t play games with your training.  Our students are intelligent peers who bring their own worthy, creative ideas to the class and we respect their thoughts.  If you sign up for a class, we will hold the class. We’re not going to charge one price one day and another price another day. You won’t have to worry about missing some discount. We don’t teach to a certification.  The point of the class is to learn the subject, not pass a test. 
soon logo
Mensen hebben véél meer in hun mars dan ze zelf beseffen. Daarom helpen wij hen om het allerbeste uit zichzelf te halen. En te blíjven halen. Zodat teams steeds een beetje sterker en effectiever worden. En organisaties op eigen kracht structureel veranderen en versnellen. Onze gecertificeerde Agile coaches helpen jouw organisatie met de overstap naar Agile werken en laten teams en managers de voordelen van Agile werken inzien. Zij bieden jouw organisatie op alle vlakken ondersteuning. Van Agile coaching en transitiebegeleiding tot Engagement Management en Agile trainingen.
Learning Actors Logo
Learning Actors
Learning Actors is the Learning Ecosystem for the ambitious and talented tech professional. From setting meaningful personal goals to getting personal coaching, it helps you find your next career dot and deliver value to the real world. We are helping Tech Professionals to combine theory with best practices as well as real-world experiences in order to grow and excel. Our courses, developed by experienced Software Engineers, Testers, Agile Coaches focus on hands-on examples and projects to get you up to speed with any new technology, tool or methodology.
Vaxmo logo
Vaxmo is a UK based Agile consultancy that provides services to its clients from various sectors such as fintech, e-commerce, insurance, energy and business consultancy, so they can deliver more value sooner, manage risk exposure and reduce the waste in their operations.
ScrumCN Logo

ScrumCN was founded in 2008, it is the world's first Chinese Agile, Scrum and SAFe knowledge platform and community, and a leading Lean Agile training, coaching and consulting company which has been dedicated in agile training and consulting for over 1

Bourk Software and Consulting
Bourk Software and Consulting
Bourk Software Development has been created after a Scrum Master enlighten its founder, Simon. At this point, there was no going back. The only option available was to extend the work of that Scrum Master at a different scale by providing serious Training and Coaching related to Scrum and the best practices from Extreme Programming.
Magic Agile Logo
Magic Agile
Magic Agile is a training and advisory business aiming to continuously inspire organisations to uncover better ways of working. We develop skills and capabilities for quality and sustainable product development and service delivery. We support you in building strong, high performing teams. We foster leadership at all levels of an organisation. Our partnership with allows us to bring you Scrum and Agile knowledge and strategies that are globally tested and recognised, in highly interactive and engaging classrooms, both in person and online, so you have all the tools you need to grow yourselves, your people, and your teams.
CuriousCore believes that continuous learning in a flexible and scalable manner is key to personal and professional empowerment in our ever evolving, technology driven world. This is why we are building one of the most impactful education institutions for the technology industry outside of Silicon Valley; training professionals to design, build, and manage digital innovation and customer experiences in a scalable and sustainable way.
Framework Training
Framework Training was established in London in 2010 with the aim of delivering best-in-market training in Software Development-related disciplines.
AgileSparks is a boutique agile consulting firm with offices in the US (Boston), Israel and India.
Agile 611 Logo
Somos una empresa enfocada en desarrollar nuevas maneras de trabajar. Hacemos emerger el potencial oculto en las personas y organizaciones. Diseñamos experiencias de formación, consultoría y acompañamiento que signifiquen una riqueza placentera y deseable para el valor esperado de nuestros clientes. Sabemos que queremos ser un referente en formación, innovación y calidad.
Ullizee Inc.
Gunther left in 2016 to continue his journey of Scrum as an independent Scrum caretaker.
Agile for Growth Logo
Agile For Growth
Agile For Growth helps leaders and enterprises improve agility through Scrum training and Agile, LeSS coaching services. Our coaching and training services nurture enterprises, leaders and teams.
AgiliX Consulting

AgiliX is a network organisation that guides Lean-Agile adoptions across Europe and provide certified trainings worldwide.

Discovery Fast Logo
Discovery Fast
Ayudamos a potenciar su proceso de Transformación Ágil y Digital a través de entrenamiento, consultoría, mentoring y coaching para ayudar a que sus equipos y su organización sean exitosos en la entrega de valor de negocio y mejora del impacto en clientes.
Agile for Humans Logo
Agile for Humans
Todd Miller and Ryan Ripley formed Agile for Humans, LLC to help organizations create the environment needed to succeed with agile. Through agile training, coaching, and facilitation, we help companies – wherever they are today – work through their journey to become an Agile Organization that uses business agility to win in the marketplace.
Blue Sequoia Logo
Blue Sequoia
Professional coaching and training for leaders and Scrum teams. Formations et coaching professionnels pour leaders et équipes Scrum.
Optilearn logo
Optilearn is an international training, consulting and resourcing enterprise. Our broad service offering means that we can work closely with our clients to identify exactly what they need to develop their service value and improve their business agility. Importantly, all of our trainers are active consultants as we believe that the best training experience is delivered by those who apply the course content day in, day out. They are ready and willing to help you, too.
Collective Genius Logo
Collective Genius
Since 2010, we help people and organizations to improve the way they deliver complex products and services. We believe in durable and sustainable working relationships and we work with the objective of bringing value to our customers through our premium trainings and coaching services.
edu training logo
EDU Trainings
EDU Trainings offers an extensive portfolio of IT education services in Czechia and Slovakia. We provide certified courses from leading global companies such as Red Hat, Microsoft, VMware. Not only as traditional classroom training but also as virtual or On-Demand training. We organize exciting seminars, webinars and online discussions. As an additional service, we provide certification exams in test center authorized by PeopleCert, Pearson VUE and Kryterion, which are providers of internationally recognized certification exams.
How Agile Logo
In HowAgile, we believe in achieving simple solutions with creating a better professional world. We promote courage and trust in teams to increase the transparency required for inspection and adaptation towards the shared goal. HowAgile provides premium training and brings in our in-depth knowledge with real-world experience of delivering products with Scrum. We help organizations on their journeys to greater agility and enable people to be more efficient and effective in delivering business value early. 
Andrena Objects
andrena objects AG
Wir bei andrena haben eine Überzeugung: Wissens-Transfer und Agilität gehören für uns zusammen. Dazu bieten wir Trainings, Konferenzen, Vortragsreihen … Beispielsweise initiierten wir schon 2004 die ersten XP Days Germany ─ ein Keynotesprecher war Ken Schwaber.
Benjamin Day Consulting
Benjamin Day Consulting
Benjamin Day is a consultant and trainer specializing in software development best practices using Scrum with Microsoft’s ALM tools.  Ben’s main areas of emphasis include Team Foundation Server, Scrum, software testing, and software architecture. 
Gulua Consulting Logo
Gulua Consulting
Gulua Consulting is a Georgian company based in Tbilisi, Georgia. We enable teams to create a resilient environment and efficient working processes. We provide the tools needed to successfully grow a business by using agile techniques. Our experience and innovative approach allow teams to reach the full potential of Agility in creating an organization that develops and delivers customer satisfaction. We are conducting trainings that cover Agile frameworks and the roles needed. In addition, deep-dive workshops are designed to help gain a deeper understanding by applying the concepts practically.
ACM logo
As ACM Agile, we work with many leading organizations around the world. We are happy to share with you the experience gained from our cooperation with more than 750 organizations and over 20,000 professionals for 15 years, by the most experienced Agile consultants in Europe. We embrace the constant learning as a way of life by improving the experience we have gained over many years with our nearly 30 consultants from different sectors in Turkey and around the world. We contribute to the improvement of individuals and organizations with our customer focus, curiosity and dedication.
The Llewelin Group
Creating and delivering results your customers actually want empowers growth and retention for your business.  Achieving results through an aligned organization of high performance teams engages, retains, and attracts real talent. With our special focus on how people show-up, interact, and take action, we'll show how to make the most of Scrum every day – blending training, coaching, and hands-on support.
oriions logo
ORIIONS is an Agile Training organization located in France close to Biarritz. We care about people and values  and we truly believe in Scrum values, apply them in our daily work (training, coaching, mentoring, leading to change) and promote them for having more sustainable organizations.
University of Westminster Logo
University of Westminster
An accredited Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Centre, the University of Westminster offers a range of short courses, many of which benefit from professional body accreditation and industry endorsement. Having educated the working people of London since the 1800s, our CPD, undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses now attract over 19,000 students. Teaching combines academic excellence with the industry experience of our tutors to relate learning to real-life and equip our students with relevant knowledge, transferrable skills and the personal development to deliver immediate value to current or future employers.
ValueX2 Logo
At ValueX2, our Agile Coaching, Consulting, and Training services are committed to enhancing our clients' ability to deliver customer value by achieving Business Agility. We believe that training is a key step to empowering people with knowledge of how to design and nurture a progressive agile organization. We enable not only software teams to scale up agility at the enterprise level but also provide practical tools and proven techniques to functions like Finance, HR, Marketing, and Operations to contribute to value delivery. We are a team of diverse agile coaches and consultants with extensive experience in coaching and agile transformation.
Agile Leadership School Logo
Agile Leadership School
Our Mission is to help you develop a leadership style that stimulates creativity, greatness and engagement. By doing so we create organizations where people love to work and create value to the world. We believe that leadership should be implemented in all levels of an organization: from teams to managers and executives. As an Inspiring Leader you always need to be one step ahead of the teams you lead. We guide you on your journey towards Inspiring Leadership, so you can lead by example. Our Learning Journeys are a combination of self-learning, online guidance and physical guidance.
Agile Solutions Logo
Agile Solutions Portugal
Agile Solutions Portugal is a Portuguese Company that has the mission of simplifying businesses and processes. Our purpose is to ensure a cultural change in your way of working that optimizes the probability that you’ll deliver something of value to you customers and business. We achieve our purpose through certified training, coaching and mentoring in the field of Agile, Scrum and other powerful philosophies and methodologies.
Scrumcademy Logo
Scrumcademy's mission is to foster Borderless Impact by facilitating agile transformations that transcend geographical, cultural, and social boundaries. We globally empower individuals with comprehensive Scrum expertise, enabling them to deliver value-driven, resilient products in a constantly evolving business landscape. Through accessible, top-tier Scrum education, we provide students with the tools and mindset necessary to embrace agility, nurture innovation, and achieve enduring professional success. Our inclusive and diverse community ensures that every voice is heard, every perspective is valued, and every learner is supported on their journey towards Scrum and Agile mastery. Join us as we Empower, Equip, and Foster your path to becoming Legendary! “As to methods there may be a million and then some, but principles are few. The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods. The man who tries methods, ignoring principles, is sure to have trouble.”  Harrington Emerson Our name and this quote summarize our approach to desired outcomes of transformation. We lead with (Agile)—scrum principles and the need for a system in which leaders have clearer boundaries to their (Sphere) of influence. To guide us forward, we work together iteratively and incrementally using empiricism.